breaking news CHINA Foxconn 富士康26號晚發生第12起員工跳樓事件,十二跳了!

We do not welcome the culture of suicide at Foxconn!!!
Thorough investigation why employees are jumping off buildings!!!


5月27淩晨來自香港媒體方面的消息,5月26日晚11點富士康深圳龍華廠區大潤發商場前發生第12起員工跳樓事件,現場尚存血跡。死者是C2宿舍一位男性。RTHK引述新華社報導,稱昨晚11時32分接到富士康一葉姓員工電話,稱其10分鐘前在富士康龍華園區D2宿舍樓宿管辦門口見到一男子倒於地上,現場已被封鎖。富士康媒體辦向記者證實,富士康當晚確有一名員工墜樓身亡。   深圳富士康再有員工墮樓,是今年以來第12宗,造成10死2重傷。新華社報導,最新一宗在昨晚11時許發生,富士康證實這名員工墮樓身亡。 







  前幾天的富士康第十跳已經引起社會強烈反映了,就在第十跳還沒有調查清楚之時,富士康又迎來了第11跳。而鴻海總裁郭台銘剛於 24日回應,富士康絕對不是血汗工廠。





  鴻海總裁郭台銘今天一早即搭機前往深圳坐鎮,並開放向來神秘的富士康廠區接受外界採訪;另外,深圳市政府決定今天展開專案行動和措施,嚴防富士康的“第 12跳”,例如由公安局培訓公司保安等。


























一個富士康普通員工 周洪波

Fifty Cent Gangs Are Not Employed Just By The Government
05/26/2010 (HSW BBS)
First, let me tell you about my situation. I joined Foxconn in 2002 and I am still working there. My family origins are in Sichuan and I was born in Tibet. I have been at Foxconn for almost ten years, so I am somewhat qualified to speak out.

Several days ago, I saw the open letter from Mr. Li Yi to our President Terry Guo as posted on the company intra-net. This letter had been carried all over the Internet with all sorts of abusive comments and attacks added by Internet users. Many of the comments were preposterous and thoughtless, never mind any rational critiques.

I could not restrain myself from writing this letter and tell you about my views. These views may not represent all Foxconn workers, but they represent a sizeable number of them.

Many people feel that Foxconn's base salary of 900 yuan (plus overtime pay) is exploitative. I think that it is a bit low too. But Foxconn has hundreds of thousands of job positions. Even raising the pay a little bit for each person will lead to a big hit on the company bottom line. The boss cannot be expected to give your all the profits. It is the same anywhere. The workers have to create value at least 10 times their wages before the boss will hire you.

Let me tell you a story. I had worked in the human resources department before and I had to recruit employees at job fairs. There was an interesting incident. The company was hiring an Internet manager to maintain office networks and computers. The monthly salary for this easy job was going to be 2,500 to 3,000 yuan. The applicant that I interviewed was a recent university graduate. After some initial screening in which I determined that he met the basic requirements, I asked him what he wanted for salary. He thought about it and said: "Foxconn? 8,000 yuan per month." I asked: "What is the basis for your 8,000 yuan?" He said: "I need to rent a room at XXX yuan per month; I need to send my parents XXX yuan per month; my girlfriend spends XXX yuan per month; I want to buy a notebook computer; I need to save XXX yuan per month; I need to pay for telephone, transportation, social events, etc. Therefore I need at least 8,000 yuan per month." I was speechless! But I got interested in him and I followed him on his rounds at the job fair. He applied at every company while requesting 2,000, 3,000 or 5,000 yuan per month in salary.

What does this tell us? Certain recent graduates have problems with their thinking. They do not consider what their abilities are. Instead, they think that big companies pay high salaries while small companies pay low salaries. It is very common for people nowadays to think that if the company pays too low, you come out losing and you can't concentrate on working hard.

I admit that for the identical job position, a Taiwanese (or other foreign nationality) manager gets paid a lot higher than a mainland Chinese manager. At first, I thought that this was quite unfair. Then I began to appreciate it. You only see that the Taiwanese managers get more pay, but you don't see that they have to live away from their families. It is not easy on them. I am sure that President Guo recognizes that. Take our department. There used to be a dozen Taiwanese managers but there are only three left. Most of the managers are now mainlanders. If you are good, the boss won't let you go.

Many people criticize the Foxconn labor union for not doing anything useful. I have lots of contact with the union folks and I know what they do. Actually, to be completely frank, do you expect a Chinese union to organize strikes and get more pay like American or Korean unions do? I have never seen a single labor union do that in China. The Foxconn labor union organizes the workers to return home each Spring Festival (that means arranging train tickets for several hundred thousand workers), schooling for the children of the workers, singing competitions, child care for the children during summer, radio talent competitions, etc. These are facts, but when there are too many workers, some people may not get to share in it.

Management on the assembly lines are strict, even stern. But do you have any good ideas to let the workers be happy and relaxed on the production line? Anyway, I haven't come up with such ideas. I don't know how to let workers put in screws and play jigsaw puzzles on the production line at the same time.

As a former worker in the front line, I can appreciate that the base Foxconn workers are working hard while receiving low pay. When they make mistakes, they are severely reprimanded by managers who are not always the kindest. But these cannot be the major reasons why people jump off buildings. At most, these can be related reasons. I lean towards social and personal reasons for those suicides.

Life is cruel, and society is insane! Reality can crush you into suffocation. Romance, career, family. When you think that everything is so faraway, you are not that faraway from death! This explains why all those who committed suicide are lower-level workers. Even the Xiangtan University graduate Lu Xin was impoverished. They are weak and vulnerable. We do not see any senior-level managers go into a free fall. Many people keep living in spite of their problems with materials, romance, toil or travel.

The suicides have put Foxconn in the eye of the storm. Many outsiders think that there must be a problem with the company management system (to wit, a sweat factory). But where can you work without being exploited? Which places do not extract extra value from you? This is commonsense! If you don't believe it, you can try and start your own factory!

I and my colleagues resent the hot terms such as "nine successive jumps," "ten successive jumps" used by the media. This makes people look forward to "eleven successive jumps" ... "N successive jumps." Are you waiting to count how many more people will jump!? Shameless. This is really too shameless.

Actually, we should be grateful to President Guo. In China, Foxconn is a relatively good place to be -- they provide food and board, and they issue pay checks on time. Those evil small factories make you work 16 hours a day with 2 to 3 yuan per hour overtime if you are lucky! The long queues of job seekers in front of the factory gate should explain everything. This is how it is in China! If you don't want to work, then you should get out of the way and let those behind you fill out their application forms! I think that without capitalists like President Guo willing to invest, Chinese workers will be paid even less. His contributions to the motherland are clear to see!

I have a story about President Guo. At the 2004 Spring Festival party, several tens of thousands of workers were assembled in the plaza. Suddenly, the lights dimmed and President Guo came through the front gate. There was a close-up of him shown on the large projection screen on the stage. Do you know what happened? Many of the workers, especially the women, began to cry, because they saw that President Guo had white hair and his face was freckled with age where none existed before! I don't want to say anything more in the way of flattering and fawning, but this small episode should explain certain problems.

Finally I want to say something to the deceased young people. It is said that they should be left in peace now that they have moved on. But I cannot help but nag a little. As you dropped into free fall, did you think about your parents who brought you up with such efforts? Now they have to attend your funeral. Did you think about the heart-rending pain that they had to go through? Since you are gone now, there is no point in accusing you of lack of filial piety. I pray that you rest in peace, and I hope that your parents and relatives have peace of mind.

Signed: A ordinary Foxconn worker Zhou Hongbo

Foxconn's Waiver Agreement

On May 25, many Chinese websites began to report on This letter asks employees to promise that they will not use extreme methods to hurt themselves or others. Should the employees commit suicide or otherwise inflict injuries upon themselves, the employees and their families may not ask the company to either pay more than the legally allowed compensation or otherwise use extreme methods to affect production at the company. A signature is required at the bottom, together with employee number, citizen ID number, date of signature, personal contact information and emergency family contact information.

To be more specific, the employees are signing to keep three promises:

1. If I should encounter any problems or hardship in the course of my work and my life in the future, I will contact or seek help from the "employee care center" and other departments in order to seek help and resolution;

2. I shall assume responsibility for my own actions. If I should encounter difficulties or setbacks, I will contact my relatives in a timely manner, or report to the company managers. At the same time, I agree that my colleagues and the company's human resources personnel may contact and communicate with my family members but not in a way that might hurt myself or others. I agree that the company may send me to get medical treatment if I should exhibit abnormality in physical and/or mental health in order to safeguard the well-being of myself and/or others;

3. In the even of an accident not caused by the company (including suicide, self-inflicted injuries, etc), I agree that the company may deal in accordance with the relevant laws. I and/or my family shall not make demands beyond what is legally mandated, nor take any extreme actions that affect the reputation of the company, nor interfere with the normal production process at the company.

Is Foxconn under social pressure?