Innovation 經典造型 USB

all from D Is For Design

USB with a notepad!

USB Syringe注射器

Design USB

USB rings!

Gold USB!

Wooden USB sticks

“USB memory sticks are always nice to have around when transferring files from computer to computer. These sticks from OOOMS are made to stand out from their natural environment of computers and offices. The sticks are picked from the woods and are individually selected for their natural beauty, and then professionally handmade into unique and personal USB memory sticks.”



雖然在網路上有不少人提出解決辦法,但似乎看起來都是玩家級的解決方案,對於一般人來說,應該是不太敢照著做。而今有了USB Port Cleaner這樣的小東西,只要抽插兩、三次,就可以解決這樣的問題,要價17美元,約台幣五百三。只是......效果真的會有這麼讚嗎?若真有效果的話,這樣的解決方案倒是滿不錯的。