repost: Sony Music 索尼音樂 Adam Lambert 亞當藍伯特 - 頭條娛樂 For Your Entertainment

Label RCA
Release Date Nov 23, 2009

American Idol runner-up upset quite a few people when he wasn't crown the winner of Season 8. The truth is we all knew Lambert was the most talked about this season and knew he is set to succeed. He was quickly signed to RCA and has been working on his debut with some of the best writers/producers. First single also titled "For Your Entertainment" has only peaked to #84 on the Billboard Hot 100.

Not to worry with a performance at the AMA's this weekend and more promo appearances the song is for sure to start moving. As for the rest of the album, it's for sure a Adam Lambert record. It's deffiently a pop album but influences from rock, electro, and dance music. He has one of those voices where you can immediately tell it's him singing and that's not the easiest thing to come around lately. I might need to take a few more listens but indeed an enjoyable effort. Check it out and BUY YOUR COPY NOVEMBER 23RD!!

1. Music Again
2. For Your Entertainment
3. Whataya Want From Me
4. Strut
5. Soaked
6. Sure Fire Winners
7. A Loaded Smile
8. If I Had You
9. Pick U Up
10. Fever
11. Sleepwalker
12. Aftermath
13. Broken Open
14. Time For Miracles

影音加場版 (CD+DVD)
◎動員紅粉佳人、Lady Gaga、Linda Perry等黃金卡司娛樂大作
◎收錄電影「2012」主題曲"Time For Miracles"及"For Your Entertainment"、"Whataya Want From Me"等熱門主打
◎CD豪華加料包括"No Boundaries"等四首日本盤獨佔曲目;DVD包括"For Your Entertainment"、"Whataya Want From Me"MV/拍攝花絮與精采幕後紀實等內容,全長35分鐘

堅持搖滾的個性唱將,充滿爆發力的嗓音與戲劇性的舞台演出,加上華麗的視覺系裝扮,以天生藝人的強烈特質,成為美國偶像八年來最受關注也最受爭議的參賽者,雖然僅拿下亞軍席次,卻搶先抱走美國Teen Choice Award「最佳實境節目男主角」+Young Hollywood Awards的「年度藝人」等大獎加冕;出道以來不但登上滾石、娛樂週刊、Details等雜誌封面人物,也名列2010時人雜誌「Most Beautiful People」俊男美女榜,超人氣已經席捲全球。

出生印第安納州,成長於聖地牙哥,全名Adam Mitchel Lambert的Adam,從小就富有極高的藝術天分,十歲在當地的劇院演出,國高中時期,接連在男星方基墨參與的「十誡:舞台劇The Ten Commandments:The Musical」、東尼獎肯定百老匯大戲「罪惡壞女巫Wicked」...等戲劇露臉,培養更為紮實的演唱功力和豐富的舞台歷練。2009年展開的第八季美國偶像,不僅將Tears For Fears 80年代經典名曲"Mad World"賦予新生命,一曲"The Tracks Of My Tears"更讓原唱的Motown傳奇巨擘Smokey Robinson佩服到起立鼓掌!

Adam妖媚呈獻的處女之航《For Your Entertainment》,請到黃金寫歌/製作團隊聯手打造,空降美國告示牌季軍。充滿娛樂效果的第一主打"For Your Entertainment",加壓強烈Electro-Pop氣流,有請艾薇兒、凱莉克萊森的幕後大師Dr. Luke主鎮,打造一鳴驚人氣勢;由P!nk+布蘭妮金曲推手Max Martin聯合拱出"Whataya Want From Me",以搖滾氣魄一舉登上全美排行Top10;帶有濃厚80年代Hair Metal高亢不羈嗓音的"Sure Fire Winners"有請葛萊美製作Rob Cavallo(Green Day)操盤,Adam的演唱令人驚艷;紅遍全球的Lady Gaga和OneRepublic靈魂支柱Ryan Tedder也分別替亞當量身撰寫"Fever"、"Sleepwalke",都是極具市場的潛力優選;2010年與亞洲同步發行新版除了「2012」主題曲〈Time For Miracles〉外,還收錄「美國偶像」決賽曲"No Boundaries"等四首日本盤獨佔曲目;全長35分鐘的Bonus DVD包括"For Your Entertainment"、"Whataya Want From Me"MV/拍攝花絮與精采幕後紀實等內容。